Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I'm not too sure what it is.... The colder Autumn weather hitting the Wasatch Mountains??? Wanting to be "MORE on BUDGET"??? The fact that I went to Costco and bought a huge bag of broccoli... Whatever it is .... I am cooking HEALTHY meals at home. Tonight is no exception. On the stove is Bear Creek potato soup with a few healthy additions. Sauteed onions, chopped parsley, boiled pototoes and steamed BROCCOLI. Also on the week cooking expedition was meatloaf, brimming with veggies. Chicken-rice curry with added BROCCOLI. All neatly packaged and waiting in my freezer to be pulled out and ZAPPED in the micro when tiredness, unplanning or brain dead kicks in. All this is in preparation for when I will be a single working momma with Tate and hopefully a sibling. You know the sayings... "practice makes perfect" and "it take 30 days for a habit to be formed". Practice or Habit... either way, it just feels GOOD!!!


Anonymous said...


It sounds like you are nesting. How awesome, I wish I was a better cook! Hope you enjoy all your yummy-sounding dishes. Just think, Tate will be here to enjoy them with you before you know it. :)

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I love broccoli.

You're so good!

Donna said...

Gee, what time is dinner? I just love that Bear Creek soup, and potato with broccoli...yum!