THIS STUFF WAS TOO GOOD TO PASS UP BLOGGING ABOUT.....First, this is M, Ingeborg and Scott's second child. M loves animals. When she heard I was coming to visit, her first concern was "Who was going to take care of Mesa?" For three years now she has been taking weekly riding lessons. I just love this picture of her. She is only 8 yrs old, but look at the elegance and beauty this little horse gals has!!! It was so much fun going and watching her riding lesson!!!
As I said before I left for my trip to Norway.... I did not plan of doing too much shopping.... I really HATE to shop and everything is so expensive in Norway with the poor US Dollar to Norwegian kroner exchange. However, there were three things I wanted to buy or check into buying while in Norway.
The first ITEM was a crib size down comforter for Tate's Kingdom---Stephe recommended The Company Store- I will be buying one there.
The next ITEM was yarn to knit Tate a sweater. I did not even see a knit shop in my walking in the forests so this I am buying here at a local knit shop. I will do a whole posting on this when I can scan the picture of the sweater and the yarn I had picked ... (
Ah, something to look forward too!!!)
AND finally and the most important thing I wanted was a Norwegian tradional dress (BUNAD) for my Tate. As mentioned before. Tate will be a melting pot of three cultures. First and formost she is AMERICAN and will the most proud of this. By birth and ethnic origin, she is Chinese and I will do my BEST to involve her in as much Chinese culture as I can. A finally she is Norwegian by adoption into our family..... We have so many Norwegian traditions that it would seem unnatural for her not to be part of this heritage and learn to love what makes her so unique and special.
You might wonder why I am so determined to get Tate a dress??? I guess all mommas want for their daughters what they did not have. My parents were not into keeping memories for us kiddos..... They always thought that once it was not needed by me then someone else could use it. I would say they are in the opposite side of the scale when it comes to being packrats. When I was a youngin, I never was bought a Norwegian costume. My younger sister has two. A very simple one was given to her when she was a toddler by a visiting Aunt from Norway. I think I got a book on Norway's industry from her. The other dress is from Germany and was bought when the family went to Europe. Am I Bitter???? Just a little, but I will provide my daughter with one of the things I wished for the most.
The little girl costumes are quite expensive and can be so adorable. I can get a cheaper version here in SLC at a local Norwegian shop but they are so ordinary and simple..... SO everywhere I went in Norway I would asked if they had BUNADS for kids. Most places said that they would have some in April and May because that is when these costumes are worn for the 17th of May of Norway's Independence Day. Another option was to have my friends and family keep an eye out in the thrifties for one someone was selling.
When my friend Ingeborg lived on my street, she had her sister send two Bunads to her girls. Both Ingeborg's little girls (B and M) wore this BUNAD pictured on the left. Just before Ingeborg and Scott
moved to Norway, I borrowed both Ingeborg's daughter's BUNADS and had my nieces Twinkle Toes and Sparkles photographed in them to give as a surprise picture gift to my mom. When I was asking Ingeborg if she knew where I could get a dress, Ingeborg disappeared and came to me with THIS DRESS!!!! I was teary and speechless, and those who know me, know this does not happen too often. This dress represents a history to me.... Good friends and loved snuggle girls, and my own nieces in this dress!!! Tate will always have a connection to Ingeborg, Scott, B, M and Snuggle boy. This is the cutest Norwegian Costume BUNAD that I have
ever seen!!! In the close up, you will see a sterling silver broach or SOULYA (spelled wrong but ou sound is a special letter in the Norwegian alphabet). My mom and Tate's nana bought her this and will give her the gift when she is big enough to wear this dress. It should fit a 3-4 yr old.
Hurry Tate... We all are waiting and preparing for you to join our lives!!!