Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day two of spring break madness

with one non-compliant two and a half year old and a cranky sinus and eye infected mommy.  After much struggle, the infected mommy was able to get the little miss partially dressed and out the door to the sitters and herself to the Instacare.  A few hours later equipped with medications in hand, the cranky mommy is smiling ear to ear as she talks to her friend about the fun times to come in the next few days!  Oh yeah!

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These pics are too cute not to share…. this just might give you an idea with what I am dealing with DAILY as I try to get Tate out the door.  This non-compliant two and half year old has told me she does not like me “Evevah, evevah” and wants Tippy-t to be her mommy.   Since we will be spending a few days with Tiffany, she just might get her wish!  Ha!


Kayce said...

Definitely too cute!!

Shannon said...

She is darling! You are not alone with the "non-compliance"!!! I'm afraid three is more, much more, of the same! Good thing there are those super cute moments in between! Hope you are feeling better. Hugs. =)

Blain & Maggie said...

Glad you're feeling better. It poured rain today up here and was in the 30s so can't help but be a little bit jealous. Thank goodness God made two and a half year olds so cute, otherwise they wouldn't survive toddlerhood! We're right there with you on the non-compliance! Then they just melt your heart by cuddling up to you or saying something so funny and cute.

laurel said...

So cute.

I hope you are better soon!

Michelle said...

I hope you guys enjoyed the rest of your week! Happy Easter!

Single Women Adopting Children said...

adorable! Oh we deal with it daily at our house too! Hang in there!