Happy 76th BIRTHDAY Dad....
You have survived Hitler's occupation of Norway as a starving pre-teen to teenager in Oslo!!! Brave enough to immigrate to America as an 18 year old without the benefit of English lesson in school (another one of the ways Hitler affected your life). You have manage to raise a family of four kids and keep a 54 year old marriage together.... Sometime you drove us kids crazy with your silliness. Always a friendly guy I remember traveling in Europe on time. Three kids were stuffed in the back of a Volvo station wagon.... Somewhere at a gas station in German you are chatting and getting to know the owner asking him what it was like to live in this small town in Germany.... Or making up history of places to entertain us as we drove along on the many car trips in my life.... Frustrating experiences at times is now a thing to reflect and laugh. You have countless of people who call you a friend.... I love you!!!!!!
Your dad sounds like a neat guy!
Wow! I must be emotional...that brought a tear to my eye. What a nice dad you have.
This is awesome! You have a wonderful father, which explains how you came to be wonderful too.
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