My heart skipped a beat as I saw the FED EX truck STOP, PARK, and COME towards my front door!!! A quick knock on the door and a loud bark from the Dog. I open the door to reveal a package…. being handed over to me…. A quick signature from me and the box is mine…. In seconds I shred open the box to reveal this….

A soft pink puppy that is just the right size to fit in a diaper bag…. A book Puppy Love, baby touch and feel book, with a Mesa-like puppy on the front cover and the sweetest card stating that she hopes this book will help Tate make friends with Mesa more easily!!! Thank you my January Secret Pal for my great present and your aid in my seduction with FED EX…. Yeah to the Year of the DOG!!!!! You rock whoever you are!!!!
I love the pink puppy and the thought behind the book. What a great secret pal.
Ah..that sounds so cute.
I love the "dance" scenario. I began my own dance last week. Doesn't that just describe it, though? You pegged it appropriately, my friend!
Look forward to your blog over this long journey (wait) ahead...:)
What cute stuff! Don't you just love the secret pal exchange. My exchange ends this month.
That pink puppy is the cutest ever!
Our secret pal exchange just ended and I was actually relieved. I LOVED getting the presents but I was horrible about sending them out. Big surprise... haha. It was the boxing and mailing that got to me. I apparently stink at that part.
best regards, nice info »
What a great site »
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