First I must compliment my February Secret Pal on her amazing personalized tags and notes.... Every gift bag is accompanied by a handmade tag and a cute personalized note to each one of us.... Above is Tate's gifts... Some of the items I did not know even existed!!!! Both the bunny and elephant have cold pack type things that Tate can have to soothe a BOOBOO.... I do need to tell my SP that my child will be living in a bubble and will never ever fall down, get hurt or be sick.... The duckie is to protect Tate from the spout in the tub..... The amaziing thing is the secret hat compartment lifts up to dispense bubble bath!!!! Too HOT???? These spoons will change color to let me know when something is too hot for my Tate's mouth!!! Lastly bandages with puppy dogs.... something I am sure Mesa would have selected for Tate if she had to pick!!!
MAMA (that would be me)
What an amazing Mother Daughter picture frame!!!! I will be putting Tate's referral picture in this.... The saying is precious and is a letter to my daughter
My Daughter, On the first day I saw you, I fell in love again. Everything was new and fresh, as I could see the world through the eyes of my child. You have made the world new every day since then. I love you..... Hand me a box of tissue....PLEASE!!!!
Pictures say a thousand word.... Did she love it???? You be the judge.....
Ball.... TREATS!!!! What??? Am I suppose to pay attention for a picture???
in Mesa words.... "Thank you SP you are spoiling us!!!!"
Sidenote..... As I am blogging this, the automatic sprinkers just went on and MESA is RUNNING thru the sprinklers like a happy child.... It is dark or I would have tried to take a picture.....
What a thoughtful secret pal! And Mesa did a great job posing in the second photo!
You have the mac-daddy of secret pals, girlfriend!!!
And Mesa is so darn cute in those pictures!!!
You have a great secret pal. I was waiting fo new pictures of Mesa...can you please call my husband and tell him that we NEED one?? (A Mesa)
I was so excited to see that you got your package and always anxious to see that Mesa is enjoying her treats (can you tell I love dogs). Hope your month is going good and sorry about the ticket. Somehow we just don't have the same effect on those young guys we use to. I will be anxious for you to get June's gift.
Your Feb. Secret Pal
i can't believe how kick-ass your secret pal is!!! cold mesa be any cuter?
LOVE the presents for Mesa. So cool!!!!
Awwhh, Mesa is soooo cute! I just want to hug her! We have two golden retrievers also, Gretchen and Sam. :) Ruff Ruff Mesa! :)
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