Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today I ordered Tate's care package through Red Thread China. I have heard such amazing things about Ann from Red Thread and the services that are given.

After reading and hearing from the Poyang SWI group, I decided NOT to send something personal from me. I wanted Tate to get her stuff as soon as possible. I also wanted this package to be delivered right into the hands of the SWI staff. Selfishly, I loved the possibility that I just might get pictures and the assurance of update information. I did order the PJ package and added additional treats and tea. I requested in my letter that the SWI keep all stuff for the other children except for the camera. That camera will be priceless to me.

This feeling of actually actively do something for my gal is empowering.

I have so much catch-up to do with this blog.... all about Tate, nursery, referral day activities, and the gifts from the most amazing SECRET PAL ever!!! Kim, I just LOVED your gift!


Catherine said...

Yay!!! What fun it must have been going through the options and chosing something that will reach your DAUGHTER!!! Way to go Mamma!

Praying you receive updated info and pics. That would be such a huge blessing!

Looking forward to reading the posts you're preparing.

C's Mom said...

You won't be disappointed. Ann is awesome.