Tate was a trooper and slept in her diaper on the bus seat for at least an hour and a half....
A few funnies that has happened along the way.
The first outing as a momma, we went to a park, walked around and got back on the bus. We have been strolling Tate most places because it is HOT and she is a little HOTTIE. She loves to look out and is interested in everything. After our walk around this lake area, we loaded onto the bus. I sat down next to my mom- NO BABY. It was like I had forgotten that I was the mom and was acting like the aunt as my brother and SIL got the baby out of the stroller, collapsed the stroller and boarded the bus, baby in arms. I am so use to going places with these two as the aunt and not having the work of the kids, I kind of forgot that Tate was now my responsibility..... I am being much more conscientious about not leaving Tate behind.
As Nanny gifts, I hand picked 1/2 lb boxes of Sees chocolates and placed a picture of Tate on the box as well as made a postcard with her picture for a remembrance to take. Today we went to the orphanage with three boxes of Sees chocolate.... only two made it to the nannies. We could not help ourselves and ended up enjoying it instead. Hey that's just how I roll.
She's just amazingly cute, Tate is. Sigh. Just adorable.
Lisa and Tate,
I'm so very thrilled for you!!!! Keep posting pics, words, videos! Tate is one lucky child, and you are one blessed mom!
Love you! Suz!, Pebbles, and BamBam
She is just adorable! Can't believe she wears a bracelet without tearing it off. You are so lucky!
See's! Yum! Good choice for all! =)
Lisa -- I'm so enjoying your posts -- so many shared experiences -- same city, same hotel, same orphanage They inspired me to go back and re-read my posts when I adopted Libby doodle doo back in Jan, 2008.
I very much look forward to your observations of Poyang. I didn't visit the orphanage and am curious to learn more.
P.s. Not only is Tate too cute for words, you are doing a GREAT job as a baby stylist. I'm totally digging these outfits that you are putting together.
Old bloggy buddy, I am SOOOO out of touch with Blogger these days and APOLOGIZE profusely for not knowing you were in CHINA - YAHOO!!!! So happy for you and Tate - looking great and enjoy every moment. It goes by so quickly! I'm almost at month 5 with our little Ruby.
Gosh she is just precious!
The trip to your daughter's orphanage was, I am sure, very insightful and enlightening. I found it so difficult, but I was so grateful to have had the chance for that glimpse. Tate seems to be very adaptable. A good sign to be sure! Godspeeed...
Oops we posted a second comment on video 1 rather than video 2! She's adorable in both.
Can't wait to meet her!
A friend of mine, in Alabama, gave birth to a baby girl. When she felt like getting out and about on her own she decided to gas up her SUV and take baby girl for a relaxing drive to grandma's house. Pulled up to the gas pump, filled up, opened the rear door to take baby inside with her to pay and relized she'd left her in the car seat just inside the door at home sound asleep. She raced home (without paying for gas) to find baby girl still sound asleep and never told a single soul in the world till her daughter was 13 yrs old. Needless to say, our break table errupted in laughter and several other ladies shared similar stories!!! Too funny!
Can you modify the comments so that anonymous jerks can't post here? I am appalled at those two comments, as I'm sure you are, too.
Don't let the turkeys get you down. There's a learning curve to everything. You and Tate will be just fine.
God bless you!
Lisa, please pay no mind to the cowards who hide behind their anomonity. I am so sorry that they have no life and they try to rain on others parades. I think you are doing a wonderful job and Tate looks very happy! Can't wait to hear about the SWI trip. Our Orphanage did not allow visits which was very disappointing. Enjoy every minute and soak it all up as the time really does fly by while you are in China!
Wow, Tate is so beautiful! I'm thrilled for you. There is nothing better than being a mom! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Michele & Ava
Lisa...DO NOT listen to "anonymous"!!! What the crap does this person know. Anyone who knows you would know that they are just full of it because of jealousy and insecurity!!!
We love you and Tate!
And to anonymous...did you ever hear the phrase "mean people suck?" Well yes you do!!
Lisa - sounds like you and Tate are getting to know each other just fine. It's a big adjustment for both mommy and baby. If anonymous needs to hide who they really are, my guess is that they are jealous and just a plain jack a$$. Keep up the good work momma!
I know that I shouldn't take the bait, but I have to chime in on this...
As a mother of 5 who is currently dealing with a child with attachment disorder I will say that in our case, my child with the least likelihood, according to the textbooks and in comparison to our other adopted children, to struggle with attachment is the one struggling. And her symptoms are not what you read about and even the experts have differed on exactly the best route for her therapy. I felt that I had done all the 'right' things with her from day one.
Hooray for great therapists, loving family and friends, and the Lord for giving both of us the strength to overcome our shortcomings and struggles.
Too bad we all can't be parenting and attachment experts, but what is important is that YOU are TATE's expert. That's what being the mom means. Keep learning, growing, and loving.
hahah! LOVE the management note!!! good for you!
Best of luck with your baby! she is gorgeous!
Your Tate is just beautiful and looks very happy! Congrats on your family!
Lisa and Tate,
I'm still so very happy for you! I just wanted you to know that I signed up with google because I didn't want to come up as Anonymous. I DO NOT want you to think I would ever send you something as negative as that kooky person(s) has. I hope your manager can just delete those two stupid messages.
As a mother of an adopted child, I know what you're experiencing, and you are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!
it is so great to see you with your girl at last. love it.
Tate couldn't be any cuter! I am so happy you finally, finally have your precious daughter!
Wendy (Tana's friend)
You go!
I had condescending (anonymous) messages left for me while I was in China as well.
You go!
She is such a cutie. I am so happy for you. You are doing such a great job as a first time mommy. You put the rest of us to shame.
it takes time, patience with yourself, and practice girl- first time mom stuff is HARD :O) you are doing so well~!!! she is SO cute too, have to keep saying that... sorry haven't posted in awhile. life has been SO crazy here!
Sorry but I dob't get it??? You are doing a fabulous job and you both have meshed (couldn't think of a better word) togther beautifully!!! I love the joy in both of your faces :) I didn't see the negative comments (I'm glad!) but what on earth could they find wrong to post about??
Lisa, I love your honesty so thank you so much for sharing all of this very personal journey with us. Most of us are total strangers but I'm expecially blessed to have met you in person. You are so sweet and kind so it hurts my heart that someone would post something mean on your blog. I didn't read the comments before they were deleted so I don't know what they're about but if they're critical, they must be wrong.
Hugs to you and sweet Tate!
Our blog: Double Happiness!
I didn't see the anon posts either, but I never can understand why some people feel the need to come on to people's blogs and make nasty comments.
And I can't get over how adorable Tate is, such a sweetie pie! You both are so blessed to have each other:)
Anne & Elizabeth
Looks like you guys are doing GREAT and wonderful you have your cheerleaders with you. I love the post and pics of her little friend. Since I asked to get Em in Beijing I never got to see her SWI across China and had mixed feelings about it. I wish I could have seen the program that took really great care of her which contributed to her being made available for adoption. To me that was important. We're working on a return visit in a two years.
Haha!!! When I first came home with Mia, my second, I guess it was a combo of jet-lag and...I left her outside in our courtyard and my neighbour had to ring my bell!!! Sadly, it happens, we just don't like to advertise it!!! She's a real doll and you're a great mom already!!!!
Doreen in Montreal single mom to Faith-Jiangxi & Mia-Sichuan
You make a beautiful family. May your days and nights be filled with many blessings. An, A Ye, Debi
I don't know you but, I wanted to let you know how beautiful Tate is!! Simple stunning... Congradulations!!
I came over from Kayce's blog. Our family is DTC/LID 4/30/07 for our little one!
Hey Lisa, sending you best wishes on your trip! Give Tate a huge hug from the Salsa family.
Lordie, Lisa! To say Tate is gorgeous, doesn't seem to do her justice!!! There is something so totally special about your wee one. Absolutely mesmerising!
She is simply beautiful! So glad that you had the opportunity to visit her orphanage. That is a lot to process, I'm sure.
Best wishes for speedy travel back home.
I tried, but I can't keep my mouth shut.
I have known Lisa for 18 years, and in all that time, there was nothing Lisa wanted more than to have a family. I'm sure that Lisa's reality has turned out to be different in many ways than she perhaps envisioned when she was younger, but her dream of being a mom has finally materialized, and it breaks my heart that someone would attempt to taint this moment for her.
No, Lisa is not perfect. None of us is. She's learning and growing and figuring out this business of mothering on the fly - just like we all must do. She'll make mistakes, and she'll learn how to do it better the next time. (If perfection is required to be a mother, none of us is qualified!). And just like the rest of we adoptive parents, Lisa had to have homestudies and letters of reference in order to adopt. The opinions that matter are those of the individuals who put Lisa's qualifications to the test and found her adequately prepared.
One thing I know: Tate is and always will be loved. The rest, Lisa will figure out in spite of any naysayers in her life. We love you, Lisa and Tate. :0)
Honestly SaSa, I know I am gushing but, wow. She is beautiful. I keep pulling the family and even folks at work over to look at pictures. J and I have been following your progress, I really enjoy your impression of china and her people. can't wait to see you both at home.Ps you sound like you got the yucky cold.
I know our trip to Emma's orphanage (about 2 hours out into the countryside from Nanchang too) was one of the most memorable parts of our trip...I am so glad to have had the experience, even with all its sweet and sad moments...
My thoughts are with you on this journey. Tate is sooooo cute. What a lucky mom and lucky baby to now be together!
I still sometimes in a panic think, "where is _____?", "Where is _______?" LIke I should have my kid, but for a moment can't remember where they are or if I have them. It is a very natural adjustment. Heck, I am still adjusting, my oldest is 16.
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