So..... What did I do today, you might ask???
Well, a little pre- root canal work with the dentist and then off to Babies R Us to do a little registering....
Wait... Not so fast in thinking it was fun!!! I called my sweet mom to accompany me to the SUPER STORE. The ride from my house to her house is 25 miles. That is 25 miles worth of thinking .... What am I going to need??? Sizes??? Oh my, this baby thing is getting REAL .... Do I register for bottles? Onsies? Too many Decisions--- I am overwhelmed. I take a BIG GULP of air and hold back the tears.... PANIC.... All this attention on me and decisions to make!!!!
I just about stopped the car and called my mom from the cell.... "HUMMMMMM Mom, This root canal business at the dentist today, well, I can't make it to register for baby stuff.... Maybe I will never be able to make it to register..... Could you just go and do it for me?" I fought that urge to make that call for the last 5 miles. As I pull up into the driveway I start to hyperventalate..... Another deep breath and I walk in to see the joy in my Mother's face at the anticipation of going and helping ME make the all the choices for her new Granddaughter .... All is good in this world now with the JOY and HAPPINESS that Tate is bringing to our family.
We both will be resting up to start the registry at TARGET.... THAT WILL HAVE TO BE ANOTHER WEEK.
Oh! This post totally made me smile... your little Tate is already so loved...
A first child needs so much...it is so overwhelming! I remember! But, oh so worth it!
Lisa, Just too sweet, your first baby. You'll look back a few months after you've had her and think "was I really that flustered?"
I'm with you sister!!! We just registered there last weekend. Meili will be our 5th child, but it was our first time registering-overwhelming! I was surprised at how relieved I was to skip the breastfeeding supply section!!! Target was a breeze by comparison. Happy shopping!
It can become overwhelming all the items that baby needs. There is so much to choose from!! So sweet that your mom was soo excited!
I hear you on the whole Babies-R-Us thing - I remember my first trip there before my daughter was born and having the same feeling of being overwhelmed. I am glad I have all my daughters old stuff!
Oh, and I just started with my first root canal appointment also. FUN!!
What fun! I'm so glad you went ahead and went with your mom.
Hi Lisa,
How did it go once you got in there? Did you find some things? I had to do it in phases, because it was just too much. But now I feel like I know that store inside out. A lot of people gave me gift cards at my shower so I also view the registry as my future shopping list and it feels very nice to have that. Being able to edit on line is great too. I kept reminding myself that anything I change my mind on can be exchanged. I am proud of you for tackling too hard things in one day. It is wonderful that your mom could share this with you. Dreams really do come true!
Aren't mom's the best for helping us through the difficult times! Your mom sounds great and you will be a great mom too! Tell us what goodies you found for your registry!
Reality Check! You are going to be a Mom and a real little person is going to need all of those things!!! Remember the feeling you can never get that moment back!!!
Lisa, I just had the very same experience last week with my mother. The whole process of registering was overwhelming at first but I had such a good time watching my mother run through the store picking out things for Sophia. It was just what I needed to make me relax and enjoy the whole experience.
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