MESA HAS A BZILLIAN BALLS.... Each one is unique and special to her... Can you see any differences in these balls??? Especially the tennis balls???

She has specific ball games she will play. Each ball game having very unique and complicated rules. I am still learning the specifics of these rules.... Mostly on my hands and knees retrieving the balls from under couches. I can hardly wait for Tate to help figure out these rules and play these ball games with Mesa.
Isn't it crazy all the toys we buy for our dogs? Does Mesa like stuffed animals or chewies? That is funny that she has different games for each ball!
My Zeus has balls, Jeter doesn't (He's been neutered ) Wait, are we talking about the same thing?!
Just kidding :0)
Just trying to be a little light hearted as we wait for our LID's.
That's quite a collection of balls. My doggies just chew theirs up to nothing! If we're not playing with them (and we're usually not), then they eat them. Buffy is eating her Igloo doghouse, too! Maybe Labs are bigger chewers than Goldens...
Ok, I am a pig... I saw "BALLS!" & immediately wondered just what you were getting up to!!
It's like shoes for a woman. She needs her different balls.
Ok, I'll admit that I'm like Kristin (above) and saw balls and my mind wandered! haha
Yes - dogs are funny about rules with their toys! I was telling a friend that I had to get off the couch the other night (lazy evening) three times to get Bailey's ball out from under the coffee table. He replied that that told him something about both of us!!
I was shopping at a baby consignment last night and my mom wanted me to pick up some toys for my dogs also!
At first glance I thought you said Mesa had Brazilian ball's! I didn't know Mesa was Brazilian!
Hmmm Brazilian balls....let me ponder the thought...
Or a bzillion...because I only have two little white ones to play with...
BRAZILLION BALLS??? WHERE ARE OUR MINDS???? Obviously in the gutter.... BUT BOY DID I LAUGH reading your comments!!! Thanks for the great laugh!!!!
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